Thursday, May 15, 2008

Herpes Virus-What is genital herpes

Genital herpes is an infection of the genitals and surrounding area of skin. It is caused by the herpes simplex virus. The buttocks and anus may also be affected. There are two types of herpes simplex virus:
Type 1 herpes simplex virus is the usual cause of cold sores around the mouth. It also causes up to half of cases of genital herpes.
Type 2 herpes simplex virus usually only causes genital herpes. It can sometimes cause cold sores.
mouth genital herpes
The rest of this leaflet just deals with genital herpes. (See separate leaflet called ‘Cold Sores’ for details about herpes simplex infection around the mouth.) Herpes simplex infection can also affect other areas of the body. For example, a herpes simplex infection that develops on a fingers is commonly called a whitlow.
Location of genital herpes
  • In men, genital herpes sores (lesions) usually appear on or around the penis.
  • In women, the lesions may be visible outside the vagina, but they commonly occur inside the vagina where they can cause discomfort or vaginal discharge but cannot be seen except during a doctor’s examination.
  • The ulcers or blisters may also be found anywhere around the genitals (the perineum) and in and around the anus.
Herpes may play a role in the spread of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Herpes can make people more susceptible to HIV infection, and it can make HIV-infected individuals more infectious.
What are the symptoms of genital herpes?
The first time you are infected with genital herpes simplex is called the primary infection. This may, or may not, cause symptoms (described below). Following a primary infection, the virus is not cleared from the body but lies inactive (dormant) in a nearby nerve. In some people the virus ‘activates’ from time to time, and travels down the nerve to the nearby skin. This causes recurrent symptoms of genital herpes if the primary infection was in the genitals, or recurrent cold sores if the primary infection was around the mouth.
It is common not to develop any symptoms
Most people never develop any symptoms when they are infected with the virus. At least 8 in 10 people with genital herpes simplex virus do not know that they are infected. (Or, they only have a short bout of very mild symptoms which is not recognised as genital herpes. For example, just a slight area of itch or a small red area which soon goes.) In such people, the virus stays inactive (dormant) in the root of a nerve that supplies the genitals, but never causes recurrent episodes of symptoms.
A first episode of symptoms
Signs of genital herpes tend to develop within three to seven days of skin-to-skin contact with an infected person. At first you may feel generally unwell with a mild fever, and aches and pains. Groups of small, painful blisters then appear around your genitals and/or anus. They tend to erupt in crops over 1-2 weeks. The blisters soon burst and turn to shallow,sore ulcers. Each blister or ulcer is typically only 1 to 3 millimeters (1/32 inch to 1/8th inch) in size, and the blisters or ulcers tend to be grouped into crops. The glands in your groin may swell and feel like lumps at the top of your legs. It is common to have pain when you pass urine, especially in women.
In women, a vaginal discharge may occur. Women may also have blisters and ulcers on the cervix (the neck of the womb at the top of the vagina). Usually the blisters form first, then soon open to form ulcers. Herpes infections may be painless or slightly tender. In some people, however, the blisters or ulcers can be very tender and painful. The inside of the back passage may also be affected. The ulcers and blisters can last up to 10-20 days, and then gradually heal and go without scarring.
herpes simplex virus
Sometimes less typical symptoms occur. For example, you may just have a small raw area, one or two small ulcers, or just an area of irritation with nothing to see. Sometimes symptoms last just a few days. Remove symptom before painful blisters then appear withnatural herpes treatment.
Sometimes a first episode of symptoms appears months or years after being first infected. This is why a first episode of symptoms can occur during a current faithful sexual relationship. You may have been infected months or years ago from a previous sexual partner.
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