Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Simple And Smart Ways To Suppress Migraines

Easy Ways to Relief Migrains
Headaches are different frommigraines. Migraine or commonly called migraine, associated with dilation of blood vessels in the head. Why until you feel pain? Because usually accompanied by inflammatory reactions in the head area. Different in migraine and headache, sharp pain and throbbing on one side or the front of heads, plus the symptoms of nausea and vomiting, weakness and loss of appetite. It seemed as though the day had to lie down and so helpless.
know Migraine causes and Triggers and Natural Remedies for Migraine Relief
Migraine is a chronic neurological disease that has been there since birth and in most cases is derived from one or both parents. Almost all migraine sufferers have different symptoms. Therefore, it is very difficult to compare one person with migraine migraine you. And you’re likely to trigger a migraine is different from others. Because every migraine is different, it helps control the migraine with how to recognize and avoid triggers an attack. The trigger can be varied, ranging from a glass of red wine, weather changes to less sleep or strong perfume.
Unfortunately, most people do not realize that this condition can lead to migraine disability. And not many people know how to handle it. Thought only with headaches or take medication to sleep, everything would be fine. Besides pain in your head, there are various types of other severe pain conditions. One of the most common is chronic pain in the neck and back. There are many reasons that could be called, like the shifting of the discs with nerve impingement to inflammation in the joints.
Compressed with cold water
To suppress it, compress the affected part with ice or extremely cold water for several minutes. Repeat if the complaint is still felt. Gradually the headaches you will soon disappear. Or could the Drinking Water of course can help you replenish fluids in the body decreases. In addition, you can apply a massage technique that makes your head feel more plong.
Base of the thumb, which is close to the palm of the hand, helping to redirect blocked energy (called chi in the treatment of China). To find this area, open the palms of your hands out wide to stretch all your fingers. Lump of meat where the thumb meets the palm of the hand is called Union Valley. Hold this area with the thumb and forefinger on the other hand from the opposite direction (the thumb on the back of his hand, and fingers on the palm of the hand), and press for 30 seconds while breathing deeply and slowly. Repeat two or three times, and then replace the other hand. Do this massage every time you feel dizzy.
Migraine Causes and relieve migraine attacks
Other massage techniques are  suppress bone between the two bony eyebrow, a little below it, with your thumb. Hold pressure for 10 seconds, then press again two or three times until the pain in the head fade away.
Drinking A cup of Coffee 
A cup or two cups of coffee can help relieve migraines. Caffeine effective in reducing headaches. Caffeine is a drug cheapest, easiest and most widely available to deal with migraine. It works almost the same as ibuprofen. If you combine the two, caffeine and ibuprofen will get good results, but need to be very careful with the dosage or control.
One dose of antidote sick Containing 120 milligrams of caffeine, the same as the number found in a cup of coffee. So, if you have a migraine, drink one or two cups of black coffee or caffeinated soft drinks, for most people can reduce the symptoms of migraine. Caffeine is added to the antidote because it can increase the absorption of pain in the improvement of pain relieving effects, caffeine also helps absorb other drugs that cause migraines. Caffeine also restrict the blood vessels to the head enlargement, which can cause migrants.
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Monday, August 16, 2010

Migraine Causes

The brain to overreact to stress migraines, hormones or other trigger. Migraine headaches result from a combination of blood vessel enlargement and therelease of chemicals from nerve fibers that coil around these blood vessels. During migraine attacks,widening blood vessels in the meninges very strong small and therefore easily permeable. By leakage of blood substances into the brain tissue of the skin over the entrance.
Causes of Migraine including triggers, hidden medical causes of Migraine
Nerve plexus of the brain is very sensitive irritated skin. The pain of migraine results. Even the normal pulsation of blood vessels in the head can cause unbearable pain. This causes a release of chemicals that cause inflammation, pain, and further enlargement of the blood vessels.
migraine headache causes the sympathetic nervous system to respond with feelings of nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. This response also delays the emptying of the stomach into the small intestine (affecting food absorption), decreases blood circulation (leading to cold hands and feet), and increases sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine afflicts 28 million Americans, with females suffering more frequently (17%) than males (6%).
Causes of Migraine including triggers, hidden medical causes of Migraine, risk factors, and what causes Migraine
Missed work and lost productivity from migraine create a significant public burden. An estimated 40%-60% of migraine attacks are preceded by premonitory (warning) symptoms lasting hours to days. Nevertheless, migraine still remains largely underdiagnosed and undertreated. Less than half of individuals with migraine are diagnosed by their doctors.
Migraine triggers
Migraine can result from different situations and stimuli.
  • Stress
  • The stimuli such as noise, bright light, like light from the sun, TV or computer monitor, and certain odors or perfumes
  • Hormonal changes during menstrual cycle fluctuations, birth control pills, hormone fluctuations during menopause onset
  • Too much or too little sleep/ Changes in sleep patterns or irregular sleep
  • Caused by alcohol, preservatives and flavoring food (sodium nitrate and monosodium glutamate)
  • Foods containing tyramine (red wine, aged cheese, smoked fish, chicken livers, figs, and some beans), monosodium glutamate (MSG), or nitrates (like bacon, hot dogs, and salami) ?
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