High blood pressure or hypertension is a medical condition in which there was an increase in blood pressure are long term. Many people underestimate the disease of high blood pressure, because high blood pressure do not feel the hurt in his body. Patients who have at least three blood pressure readings exceeding 140/90 mm Hg at rest is estimated to have high blood condition.
Category Blood Pressure Systolic Diastolic Blood Pressure
Normal < 120 mmHg (and) < 80 mmHg
Pre-hypertension 120-139 mmHg (or) 80-89 mmHg
Stage 1 140-159 mmHg (or) 90-99 mmHg
Stage 2 >= 160 mmHg (or) >= 100 mmHg
Blood pressure is always high is one risk factor for stroke, heart attack, heart failure and arterial aneurysm, and is a major cause of chronic heart failure. When not damage the organs, high blood pressure did not show specific symptoms. Consequently, at this stage, people still feel comfortable with her condition and did not feel the need to consult. whereas hypertension can spread anywhere where that can lead to complications of other diseases, such as kidney failure, heart, paralyzed. Hypertension is a major triggerfactors of kidney disease and kidney failure, also vice versa, impaired renal function when the blood pressure will increase and can cause hypertension.
Hypertension is one of the genetic disease. However, with unhealthy lifestyles, people who are not genetically at risk can also be affected by hypertension. Conversely, with a healthy lifestyle, people who inherit the gene thus can avoid hypertension. There are many risk factors for hypertension, such as advanced age, diabetes, smoking, cholesterol, and obesity
Hypertension is a major cause of chronic kidney disease. If your kidneys are taxable, be prepared for lifelong treatment. Hypertension makes the kidneys must work harder. As a result, cells in the kidneys will be damaged faster. Chronic kidney disease is a disease suffered by one out of ten adults. Without proper control and fast, in the year 2025 is estimated kidney disease can cause death up to 56 million people worldwide.
Hypertension becomes an important issue because this is not just a figure above normal (140/90), but because of high blood pressure can trigger defects in the organs through which the blood vessels, including the kidney. If one of the supporting factors of the kidneys, such as blood flow to the kidney, the kidney tissue or kidney sewers disturbed, then clearly the kidney function is impaired.
In hypertensive patients with renal complications, needed medicines that do not leave toxins in the kidney. All resido drugs should be expelled from the body so as not to accumulate in the kidney and the burden of the kidneys and basically there is no best drug for hypertension.
Preventive actions can be done by running a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, reducing salt, avoiding tobacco and alcohol products, and maintain weight. Besides blood pressure checked regularly even if no complaints
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