Hypertension is blood circulatory system disorder that causes an increase in blood pressure above normal values (140/90 mm Hg or more).Hypertension is a silent danger that can be deadly. Because, there are no symptoms or signs typical for early warning. Even many people feel healthy and energetic can keep the symptoms of hypertension. High blood pressure patients are usually without complaint and it is difficult to know and can not be seen.
Patients with hypertension or high blood is difficult to know. The average patient complaints came after finding damage to organs such as kidneys, the symptoms of stroke and heart disease.
Increased blood pressure to exceed the normal threshold (hypertension) can cause renal failure and could be the emergence of one of the symptoms of kidney disease. When blood pressure exceeds 140 mmHg mmHg/90 the blood flow to the kidneys is impaired.Hypertension makes the kidneys must work harder. As a result, cells in the kidneys will be damaged faster.
Many people underestimate the hypertension. A disease that is difficult to know because usually without complaint, was the main cause of chronic kidney disease. If your kidneys are failed, Get ready for a lifelong treatment. In fact, hypertension is not only a deadly disease, but also trigger heart disease and stroke. However, hypertension and its complications can be prevented, certainly with lifestyle improvement efforts and overcome the risk factors.
To avoid high blood pressure that can trigger kidney disease, people can expect their blood pressure checked regularly to spot health checks. And do check again at least once every two years for nomotensi groups and each year for the group pre hypertension, ie systolic blood pressure 120-139 mmHg or diastolic 80-90mmHg. Because if well controlled blood pressure, the more conscious that the kidney function.
Apart from the lack of awareness to check their blood pressure, circulation of medicines in society and lifestyle as well as cigarettes and coffee or the pressure of work, can trigger high blood pressure.
If required the consumption of drugs decrease blood pressure or hypertension get therapy aimed at lowering blood pressure to less than 140 mmHg mmHg/90, he said, can be done using antihypertensive drugs such as diuretics, beta blockers, calcium antagonists, ACE inhibitors , alpha blockers, and angiotensin II antagonist.
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