Saturday, April 12, 2008

Knowing Hemorrhoids – Symptoms Treatment and Prevention

We have to admit, talking abouthemorrhoids or hemorrhoidsometimes embarrassing, especially to the opposite sex. in fact, this reveals itself in the pair sometimes get caught in the throat. Yes no? Haemorrhoid or haemorrhoid piles or in fact many of us have encountered among us, just because of feelings of shame or considered not important, then less attention.
understanding hemorrhoids danger and safe treatment
By laymen all complaints at anus often interpreted as hemorrhoids and treated himself improvised. We should know more closely what it is hemorrhoids, since, in America, 50% of population age 50 suffer from hemorrhoids and an estimated 50% -85% of the world population will experience symptoms of hemorrhoids in a particular period in his life. Adult human male or female can potentially have hemorrhoids, both hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids outside or both. This disease is very rare in children.
Anatomically, the hemorrhoid is not a disease but rather a change in vessel-bearing veins haemorrhoidalis didubur (corpus cavernosa recti) in the form of widening, swollen blood vessels and surrounding tissue that can result in torn blood vessels, bleeding, and inflamed. As a result, patients feel very sick at her anus. This occurs because the veins had happened thrombus or blood frozen so that it hurt.
Not all hemorrhoid sufferers require treatment. Only a small part that needs medical help, those who complained of bleeding, the bumps and itching. Bearing function of blood vessels as a valve / valves that help the muscles in the rectum to hold faeces.
safe Hemorrhoid & Rectal Disease Information & Treatment Centers
There are three blood vessels (artery) anal region. If by one cause interference (dams) blood flow, the blood vessels will expand and swell, this condition is called hemorrhoids. We know the hemorrhoid inside (internal haemorrhoid) as indicated above, and hemorrhoids outside where the outer skin around the anus swell due to the widening of blood vessels under the skin behind.
Hemorrhoids are also common in pregnant women. This occurs because, on a pregnant woman in the abdominal cavity pressure will be increased so there is disorder backflow of blood vessels and when it arises due to the happening of Hemorrhoid dianus namely widening hemorroidalis plexus of blood vessels and possibly also on the feet that we know as varicose veins. Even in patients with liver disease can sometimes suffer Hemorrhoid, it can happen because there is an increase of blood pressure in the portal vein.
At the stadium mild hemorrhoids, your doctor may give medicines such phlebodinamic ardium and daflon, drug use a stool softener or anoint. The goal is no more blood circulation in the anal region and eliminate bumps, swelling and bleeding. Ointment aims to reduce pain, swelling and prevent infection. If the condition did not improve then returned to the doctor advised. With your doctor will be able to ensure that the disease is indeed hemorrhoids, not the more serious diseases like cancer.
Hemorrhoid  can be prevented with emphasis on drinking water, eating a diet rich in around 20-25 grams of fiber a day, do not sit too long, exercise, run a healthy lifestyle, not smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. Some natural can cure the hemorrhoid, like Neo Healar. The 100% Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment Solution. Fast, painless & drug free order is backed by a 120 days unconditional no questions asked money back guarantee. If you are not happy with Neo Healar for any reasons, you can ask for an immediate refund.
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