Friday, September 11, 2009

Food Makes Me Sleepy After Lunch

Foods that rank high on the Glycemic Index will help you fall asleep in half the time you normally do if eaten four hours before bed. Usually, the reason for being sleepy after lunch is carbohydrate overeating. Increase in the relative concentration of L-tryptophan and serotonin in the blood that formed to make us sleepy. Keeping your carbs down until you are ready to be sleepy helped a lot of people.
reason for being sleepy after lunch is carbohydrate overeating
High protein low carb
L-Tryptophan is an amino acid into the formation of the basic ingredients niacin, vitamin B Niacin itself will be used to make serotonin, a substance in the brain signals conductor can be feeling uncomfortable and cause us to fall asleep. Carbohydrate-rich foods such as rice, will stimulate the pancreas to produce insulin, which will keep food in the body. Several other amino acid which was contained in the blood together with L-Tryptophan, will enter into muscle cells. As a result, there will be an increase in the relative concentration of L-tryptophan and serotonin in the blood that formed to make us sleepy.
Although the body needs a certain amount of fat, real fat is a foreign substance that should be removed from the body. Everyone knows if body fat is very difficult to digest. Unfortunately, fat is not wasted be toxic because of the oxidation process. This oxidation process can also cause cancer and tumors.
Fat digestion process could take six to eight hours. Well that happens, the body requires more energy to run through these phases, then do not be surprised if the body feels tired and sleepy. Moreover, too much fat that rolled into the digestive tract will enhance the levels of cholesterol, trigliseride, and narrow the blood vessels to the brain, resulting in less blood flow smoothly and we often yawn to compensate oxygen supply less to the brain, another result is heart disease.
Iron deficiency
Zinc is a mineral that has been widely neglected for its important functions toward our bodily enzymes. It has been shown in many studies that this micronutrient is involved in the proper functioning of more than three hundred enzymes. So if the body will feel weak if the substance is one drawback to this is indisputable. Some tests have shown that zinc enhances memory and thinking.
Everything you need to know about why food makes you sleepy
In addition, for individuals who have suffered head injuries that involve memory loss, zinc supplementation has contributed to recovery. Iron is the substance of energy and calories are useful to the body. Is there to be sufficient intake of iron in your lunch menu?
How to anticipate tips food coma?
  • Try not to eat large portions.
  • Choose foods with high carbohydrate content.
  • In the hours after a meal, try to consume a high protein snack. There is no need in large numbers as long as your stomach is still in a state filled.
  • Choose foods with low fat content, because it certainly is rich in sugar content.
  • In between the time before a meal, do not hesitate to eat candy. Choose candy labeled low fat.
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