Sunday, March 14, 2010

Primary And Secondary Hypertension

Hypertension is a common condition, as is generally said that the hypertension experienced by one person among ten people. Hypertension was initially depend on genetic factors. On the way to adulthood, many influential environmental factors, such as dietary factors and psychological / stress.
Know the primary and secondary hypertension and to prevent
Food is an important determinant of blood pressure such as excess consumption of fatty foods, salt, due to alcohol consumption, and low potassium intake. Patients who come to doctors generally have severe, because it did not know he suffered from hypertension. So, it is very important blood pressure checked regularly.
14./90 blood pressure (systolic / diastolic) mm Hg or more, indicates that we have hypertension. A healthy blood pressure was 120/80 mm Hg. If the blood pressure of 120/80 mm Hg and 139/89 mm Hg, twice the risk of developing a hypertension. Hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the important health problems. Once hypertension was found in a lot of people of various ages.
The list of types of Hypertension mentioned in various sources includes:
Primary hypertension, there is no real cause but may be derived or associated with unhealthy lifestyle, fast-paced and easy it is irregular or hypertension that occur together with increasing age, stress, and heredity, commonly known as primary hypertension.
Usually middle-aged patients were aged (30-50 years). Ninety percent of people with hypertension in this category. Bad behavior, like smoking, lack of exercise, like salty foods and fast foods, eating excessive calories which contains a lot of salt, sweet, spicy, and obesity, contribute to the emergence of hypertension.
Secondary hypertension, patients with younger age (below 30 years), influenced by factors related to physical conditions, such as excess weight, impaired renal function, impaired hormonal balance, excess cholesterol, the pill and others.
Both types of hypertension above do not show obvious symptoms, but if the symptoms are not anticipated to be dangerous can cause hypertension with symptoms of chronic headaches. In general, hypertension is not dangerous, but if ignored and cause complications of hypertension prone to heart attacks, heart failure, even in a short time will cause a stroke.
In extreme high blood pressure can damage the inside of the small arteries, may cause blood clots. If this happens, it can cause a heart attack (if it occurs in the heart), blindness (if it occurs in the retina of the eye), kidney failure (if thrombosis occurs in the kidney), and stroke (when blood clots occur in the brain). Stroke can also occur due to rupture of blood vessels caused by hypertension resulting in bleeding in the brain.
It is important to limit fatty foods and increase foods high in fiber, especially fruits, vegetables, and vegetable foods. Flaxseed oil and food abundant potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C and omega-3 is very good for people with hypertension.
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